Pure LOVE {Waiting for Baby T}

It's crazy when you become an adult and start your own family! I went to Jr High with this girl, and because of (me) moving and switching schools we lost touch through high school. I have ran into her from time to time, and it's always been so amazing that every time she had something wonderful in her life to tell me about. I am so thankful for facebook sometimes! Because we are able to stay connected through facebook, it lead us to get together for a maternity session for her and her wonderful Husband. I am so happy for this girl, since the first day I met her when we were kids, I have always adored her pure heart and respect for others! She is going to be such a wonderful mother! I can not wait to watch her grow... and since I have 3 children of my own, we can try even harder to stay in touch!
-Thank you again "L" family, for allowing me to capture your love on film! :) Best Wishes to you three!

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